Felonies & Misdemeanors

Fearless and Tenacious: Your Guardians Against Felonies and Misdemeanors

When facing felony or misdemeanor charges, you need a battle-ready ally. Thompson · Garcia Law is your fortress in the legal storm. We understand the intricacies of the local courts. This insider knowledge and our fighting spirit make us a formidable partner in your defense. We believe that everyone deserves a fierce defense. Our attorneys are adept at spotting gaps in the prosecution's argument, turning the tables in your favor. Our track record demonstrates our successful, results-driven approach. Schedule a free consultation today; call (510) 782-7580 to learn more. Se Habla Español!

When Do I Need a Misdemeanor Defense Attorney?

Contact a misdemeanor defense attorney immediately after you have been charged or arrested. At Thompson • Garcia Law, our experienced lawyers can minimize your risk of conviction. Additionally, our attorneys can determine if your rights have already been violated. If so, we can offer immediate defense options to dismiss charges. If this is not possible, we can work to reduce the allegations against you. This is a viable option if you have a "wobbler" crime. A wobbler offense could be charged as a misdemeanor or a felony, depending on the circumstances.

Ways We Can Reduce Your Sentence

Wobbler Crime Convictions

You might be given a lesser sentence, such as probation.

Avoiding State Prison

You are still eligible to have your conviction reduced if you are not sentenced to state prison.

Certificate of Rehabilitation

You can pursue a certificate of rehabilitation for added relief, such as pardons from the governor.

Get Seasoned Misdemeanor Defense in Oakland, Dublin, Modesto, Pleasanton, Stockton, San Jose, and Beyond

Do you believe your rights have been violated? Do you need immediate representation? Looking for ways to reduce a felony conviction? Want to expunge the charges against you from your permanent record? Because of California's three-strikes law, even a misdemeanor offense can create difficulties. The more offenses you have, the harsher the courts can be. Even a first-time misdemeanor offense can start a downward spiral in the court. If you need reliable criminal defense representation, contact our defense attorneys now.


At Thompson • Garcia Law, we believe a misdemeanor should not define the rest of your life. Our team understands that sometimes good people are involved in unfortunate situations. Whether there was a bad decision or a case of mistaken identity, we can help. In some cases, we can have your conviction removed from your record.

What Crimes Are Felonies in California?

Almost any crime can result in a felony conviction. Usually, the court will consider some issues to determine what crime is a felony. For instance, the judge may consider your previous record. For this reason, you must contact a Northern CA felony defense attorney as soon as possible. A Northern CA criminal defense attorney can investigate if your rights have been violated during your arrest. Depending on certain details, charges can be dropped if this is the case. However, if they cannot be dropped, we can work to reduce your felony to a lesser offense.

Some examples of common crimes that can result in a felony conviction include:

Life as a Felon is Not So Rosey - Let Us Help You Avoid It

Your future can be negatively impacted by a felony conviction in many ways. Felonies can prevent you from exercising the following rights and privileges:

Getting Hired

Voting in Elections

Obtaining Approval for Loans

Owning Guns

Food Share Benefits

Other Benefits

Prior Convictions & California's Three-Strike Law

Worse, if you have two prior felony convictions, your third can result in a substantial prison sentence. This is due to California's much-debated and evolving three-strikes law. If you face felony charges in the Bay Area or anywhere in California, contact Thompson • Garcia Law today for help.

Facing Criminal Charges. What Do I Do?

Have you discovered that there is an investigation against you? Is some entity alleging you have been involved in a crime that could be considered a felony? Felony charges have a high conviction rate, so you should use every legal right to defend yourself. Do not gamble with your future by settling for a court-appointed public defender. We can help you make sure these allegations do not define your life.

What Does a California Felony Crime Attorney Do?

An experienced Northern CA criminal defense attorney is necessary if you want to have any hope of beating the charges against you. To avoid conviction for felony charges, our lawyers will challenge intent. This is because intent is a commonly used prosecution strategy. First, we can build a narrative that highlights facts that challenge intent. Afterward, we can scrutinize evidence and speak with witnesses.

If you are charged with a felony crime in California, our criminal trial law firm can help with the following:

Proactive Intervention

The California court can react favorably to pretrial intervention. Since this is the case, our attorneys can advise you on actions that may exonerate you.

Keeping Your Record Clean

A felony offense on your permanent record can hurt you. Fortunately, many criminal offenses can be sealed or dismissed from your record. For instance, California Penal Code 1203.4 states you have the right to file a petition to expunge charges. If successful, this petition can protect future employers or creditors from knowing about your conviction.

Motion to Reduce a Felony to Misdemeanor in California

Sometimes, a motion can be filed to reduce a felony conviction to a misdemeanor. When this happens, we argue to reduce charges in a formal hearing. At the hearing before the judge, we focus on the positive facts about your background. However, the judge will weigh the positive facts against any existing negative history on your record, such as any prior arrests. For this reason, our misdemeanor defense lawyers may recommend pretrial programs instead of incarceration. We work to reduce a felony with a well-drafted motion, covering many issues.


Some issues the judge considers when you request to reduce a felony to a misdemeanor involve:

The type of offense you are alleged to have committed has impacted a motion. For instance, if your offense is a "wobbler" — in between misdemeanor and felony — you have a chance of reducing a conviction. DUI with injury, grand theft, fraud, domestic violence, and other charges are common wobbler offenses.

Not only will your prior criminal background be considered, but your educational background will also be considered. Therefore, you are more likely to reduce felony charges with no criminal record.

The judge will review the circumstances around the commission of your crime. For example, if there is minimal personal injury, this can work favorably for your motion.

When you comply with the terms of probation, this can look favorable. For example, paying restitution can benefit your motion.

Some people think that a misdemeanor conviction will not result in serious penalties. However, it is important to know that even a first-time misdemeanor conviction could mean a year in jail. Shoplifting, disorderly conduct, probation violations, and petty theft are some common misdemeanors. These allegations can be serious, especially if prosecutors trump up charges to a felony. Our attorneys can build a defense to minimize the penalties and protect your interests. 

Call Our Felony Defense Attorneys for a Free Consultation

At Thompson • Garcia Law, our success stems from decades of experience handling felony crimes in the Bay Area and throughout Dublin, Oakland, Modesto, Pleasanton, and beyond. Our legal team knows that the allegations against you might require immediate attention. For this reason, we offer a free consultation in English or Spanish. Our staff is available 24 hours a day. At no cost to you, we can review the details of your arrest and let you know if we can help.

Get More Info

In need of an experienced attorney? Talk to one by calling 510-782-7580.

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